3 Smart Tips for Packing for College in the Northeast

Heading off to college in the northeastern “megalopolis” that includes Boston, New York City, and D.C. is filled with excitement… and a touch of uncertainty, too. And if you’ve never lived there before, the big question is: what should you be packing for college in the Northeast?
Now, we trust you to remember the essentials. But to make sure your school year goes smoothly, here are some extra things to keep in mind when you’re packing.
Understand the dress code
No, not your school’s dress code. Unless you’re going to a boarding school, chances are your college has an “anything goes” dress code for classes. Pajama pants have never been more socially acceptable!
We’re talking about the city’s dress code.
Some of the biggest colleges in the Northeast are located in or near some of the biggest cities in the country. And that means some pretty awesome perks.
Dressing up might be a requirement—stated or not—for corporate internships
So when you’re packing for college in the Northeast, bring something that’ll impress interviewers:
– Suits (and ties)
– Dress shirts or blouses
– Leather shoes and belts
– Understated, elegant jewelryIf you’re lucky enough to score tickets to a Broadway show (peep TKTS for cheap seats!) or dinner reservations someplace “nice,” make sure you have an outfit that you can absolutely rock and feel confident in!
Of course, these big cities are incredibly diverse, so we trust you to stay true to yourself even when you’re dressed up… just maybe leave the penguin onesie back home?
Prepare for the c-c-c-c-cold
You may have experienced winter, but have you experienced winter in the NE? We’re no meteorologists, but we promise you: it’s outrageously cold!
Now, if you were going to college someplace with more moderate weather, we might advise you to leave your winter clothes back home and grab them over Thanksgiving or Christmas break. But since the NE can easily get snowfall in October, our number one tip for packing for college in the Northeast is to bring your cold weather gear!
To get you through fall and winter (and possibly even spring!) we suggest layers. Lots of layers.
– Tee shirts or long-sleeve shirts that you can wear close to your skin, alone or under sweaters.
– Light sweaters that can fit under jackets.
– Puffer vests, to keep your torso warm when it’s only “slightly” cold
– Tights or thermals to wear under jeans as the temps dropAnd when it gets really cold, you’ll want your specialty gear:
– Heavy coat
– Gloves
– Hats or beanies. (We love this one with room for a ponytail or man-bun!)
– Scarves—especially in your school colors, perfect for football games!
– Thick wool socksPacking Pro Tip: Invest in a pair of waterproof boots, to keep your toes warm and dry when you’re slogging through the snow to class.
Bring on the zzzz’s
You already know you have to bring bedding and linens, but you might want to make some adjustments with the weather in mind.
Most dorms have a central temperature setting. Your room might be too cold, which is to be expected when it’s below freezing outside. Buuuuut, surprise! Your room might actually be uncomfortably hot—not uncommon when the radiators are cranked up.
So just like we did with clothing, we suggest including bedding “layers” when you’re packing for college in the Northeast.
You’ll have your comforter, of course. But that’s only one option. If you like to sleep under covers, a lightweight blanket will keep you cozy when the heat is turned up. But on colder nights, when a comforter isn’t enough, a fleece blanket is a nice little extra.
And don’t forget the sheets. If your room gets cold, standard sheets feel downright icy. Check out warmer options like jersey, brushed cotton, or even flannel sheets.
Trust us, you won’t even need to count sheep if you have the right bedding!
Packing for college in the Northeast means being prepared for cold weather along with city life. And with these items, your school year can be successful… and warm!
And to start off your semester stress-free, ship your stuff to your dorm or apartment with LugLess. No having to haul bulky suitcases loaded with hoodies and blankets through the airport. We’ll make sure your stuff gets to your new digs with zero hassle for you.