3 Clever Uses for Luggage When You’re Not Traveling

Having the right piece of luggage when you travel can make or break a trip (ah, those effortless, handy spinning wheels). What happens once the trip is over? Do you still have the same fondness for that useful, gliding wheeled suitcase as it takes up space in your closet? Probably not.
If you live in an apartment that is short on space, odds are, you don’t know what to do with it once back from vacation. Rest assured, we have 3 clever (and useful) things to do with your luggage when not traveling that are sure to bring back that chemistry you both recently shared in the airport terminal at baggage claim.
Here’s how to rekindle that fond luggage relationship for the time being.
Create a makeshift nightstand / end table
Now, let’s be honest, we all don’t have the best looking luggage or suitcase. That’s totally okay as beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Instead of cramming your dirty or scratched suitcase to the depths of your hallway closet (with your shoes on top of it) consider finding a spot where you can place a nice throw cover or blanket over it and use it for books or daily knick knacks. You may have to stack a couple of suitcases (or place something under it) depending on how high you need it, but this is where your creativity can shine.
This approach may actually save you some money by not purchasing a nightstand or end table (and way less frustrating than trying to follow the instructions).
If it’s a hard covered suitcase then this is a one step job / hack. If you are working with a soft covered piece of luggage then there’s an additional step – which leads us to the second tip.
Store extra stuff (like sheets / electronic cables)
We all have a bunch of clothes or bedding we never or rarely wear (Halloween go-to’s or holiday party ugly sweaters come to mind). Why not store them for now, as you do not have a planned trip for another 6 months. You might as well get some closet sanity back in your life for now.
Also, if your luggage is possibly not going to see the light of day for another year, it’s time to finally clean out that kitchen or desk drawer with all the electronic cable, adaptors, and extension cords you probably will never EVER use.
But, just in case that moment finally comes for you to use an old input / output cord to connect your TV to your dusty video camcorder and watch an old Hi-8 video tape from college you will be prepared (and very proud of yourself)!
Donate or throw away (unused luggage)
If you are like most human beings you find a way to hoard everything over time from old t-shirts, TV cables, to backup pieces of luggage (just in case).
When is the last time you used that extra suitcase collecting dust in your hallway closet or under your bed? If it has been more than 24 months, it may finally be time to ask the hard question to your suitcase; “should we end this travel relationship and move on or should we stay together and work it out”?
A major positive to donating your old luggage is you’ll never get to the awkward relationship phase, “it’s you, not me”…
Now that we’ve given you some useful tips on what to do with your luggage when not traveling, consider shipping your luggage companion with LugLess when you actually are going on your next trip.
It will save you time (baggage claim) and money (baggage fees) by sending your luggage ahead of time and it’ll help keep you much happier and in a healthy “traveling” relationship with your luggage.