7 Places You Don’t Need Luggage (So Don’t Be That Guy)

You have a few hours to kill before your flight takes off or before you can check into your Airbnb, so you decide to explore the city. Then you realize that you have two large suitcases, a carry-on, and a laptop bag.
You decide that you’re going to go out and explore anyway. How bad could it be?
We sincerely hope that your plan isn’t to drag everything up the hills of San Francisco, California while you attempt to take multiple selfies, sip a latte, and play tourist. This is possibly the worse way to spend your extra time.
Nobody likes extra baggage. And nobody likes dragging it everywhere they go. We’ve put together 7 places you don’t need your luggage. Avoid these places with your baggage.
The Beach
Who wouldn’t want to go for a nice swim…. with their luggage? Going to the beach on a sunny day is a great way to spend your extra time. But if you have a lot of luggage, it’s going to ruin all your fun. You’ll also get sand everywhere. And imagine trying to wheel your luggage through sand? That sounds like a nightmare!
A Scenic Cruise
Everyone loves a good scenic cruise unless you get motion sickness (that’s a different story). You have just enough time to hop on a cruise and admire Chicago’s architecture or learn about Seattle history on a harbor cruise. But your luggage will absolutely ruin the experience. Remember you and your luggage both don’t get a seat for the price of one (human).
The Coffee Shop
We all need our cup of java! But there’s nothing worse than being that guy holding up the line because he can’t find his wallet among all of his baggage. It’s even worse when you and your luggage take up 5 seats at the coffee shop next to someone who’s trying to get some work done. When everyone gives you the side eye, don’t be surprised.
The Bar
Who wouldn’t need a drink after hauling literally everything you own to the bar? Depending on the type of bar you go to, you may be getting some questionable looks from customers and the bartender. Do yourself a favor and wait until you reach the airport bar to have your vodka martini.
The Museum
We appreciate art more than anyone. But chances are you’ll cause a lot of racket in a place where people tend to be quiet. There’s also a chance that the museum security won’t allow you to drag your luggage through its halls. Think twice before visiting a museum with your luggage.
Walking Trail
You’re in need of some fresh air and some light walking. You did not sign up for a full-blown sweat workout. While you’re trying to enjoy that scenic walk, take pictures and upload them to your Instagram, you’re in the way of locals who are walking/running/biking behind. Might as well walk around the airport terminals to get your exercise.
Get a little shopping done and pick up a few souvenirs since you have some time to kill. But do you really want to hop from shop to shop with all of your baggage? And then have to carry those souvenirs in addition to everything else you have to haul and carry? Sounds like a pain. Save yourself the burden and hit up the gift shops at the airport.
Real talk: why be miserable on your trip? You don’t need to haul your luggage everywhere while you sight-see, take selfies, admire culture or sip your latte. There’s a better-luggage-free way!
Simple solution: LugLess will ship your luggage directly to your destination starting at only $15. That’s a small price to pay for convenience. This option also leaves you baggage free to explore, drink, and shop.
Why torture yourself for a few hours after a fun trip? We got you. You only live once. Lug Less.
Have you ever had time to kill before a flight? What did you do? Share with us in the comments.
[…] it easy and be kind to yourself. Crossing time-zones, hanging out with family for the holidays, dragging heavy luggage and getting back to work for the new year may cause a lot of stress. Take a minute if you need to […]
[…] sucks. We almost hate it as much as lugging our stuff everywhere we go. When you’re too tired to pack the night before, you decide to pack in the morning and then […]