Conquer Jet Lag Like A Pro

Use these tips to beat let lag and move on with your life
Jet lag disorder is real and many people suffer from it, especially after the holidays. It’s the worst feeling when you’re sleepy during the afternoon and wide awake in the middle of the night.
Even as little as a 4-hour difference can throw your physical and mental game off and leave you grouchy AF. The last thing you want to do is go to work the next morning, but you’re trying this whole adulting thing. We get it.
There are ways to conquer jet lag like a pro and get on with your life. Just don’t nap at work. We want you to keep your job.
Everyone is different, take these tips as you see fit!
Stay Awake All Day
Once you’ve arrive at your destination, try and stay up until bedtime. Keep yourself occupied all day. If you’re at a new destination, grab a coffee and explore, sightsee, and walk around until your feet can’t take it anymore. Power through the day like a boss, then have a couple of cocktails and snooze at night like a baby. This little not-so-secret trick normally works like a charm. If you’re at home, make plans with family or friends, then go to sleep at a normal time.
Take A Freaking Nap
Look, if powering through isn’t your cup of tea, you can always take a cat nap. We love a good nap here at LugLess! If you’re at a new destination, take a short nap, go out into town and explore, grab some food, then come back to sleep at a normal hour. If you’re arriving home, still take a short nap, meet up with some friends for dinner, then go to sleep. FYI, a nap is normally 20 minutes. Not 4 hours! It helps if you have plans, so someone or something can hold you accountable to show up.
H2O, Yo!
Drink all the water and stay hydrated! Be mindful of this before, during and after your flight. Dehydration makes jet lag so much worse, especially if you’ve had caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. We love our java and booze as much as the next person, but make sure you’re drinking those H2O fluids! Do this even if you have to get up to use the bathroom 20 times (you might want to get an aisle seat!). You can also drink infused water (with fruit), drinks with electrolytes, and tea.
Post-Flight Workout
Exercise may be the last thing you want to do but it’s going to help you combat jet lag. You don’t have to run 10 miles or do any type of heavy weight lifting! Don’t put too much pressure on your body. Instead, go for a short walk, do a few exercises in your hotel room or at home (see how long you can hold a plank), visit the hotel gym, or do some light yoga in your living room. Your body will thank you!
Eat Healthy
There is no one food that’s going to cure jet lag, but you can fill your body with the nutrients it needs. This is especially important if you indulged in one too many slices of pie this holiday season and had airline food! So load up on the fruits, veggies, and quinoa. A good, large salad will set you straight. You can add in some yummy carbs (rice and pasta!) to help you get a good night sleep with a satisfied belly!
Get A Massage
If you’re feeling extra tired for some reason and have a jam-packed schedule, try to make room for a massage. This will help the blood circulation flow in your body and help you relax a bit before your next task.
Take A Day Off
If you plan to bounce right into work after you get off your flight, consider arranging your travels so you get a full day off. Yes, a day off from travel and a day off from work. Don’t check email or get on any calls. Give your body the rest that it needs. A day off may be just what you need to recharge. You’ll be 10 times more productive!
Jet lag affects everyone differently. If you’re feeling extremely tired, take it easy and be kind to yourself. Crossing time-zones, hanging out with family for the holidays, dragging heavy luggage and getting back to work for the new year may cause a lot of stress. Take a minute if you need to and chill out. No one is perfect!
Share your travel pics with us on our Facebook page, we love to see our readers on their adventures!
What are your secrets for combating jet lag? Tell us in the comments!
[…] you feel uneasy. Too much coffee can mess with your sleep cycle and cause headaches, leaving you dehydrated on your flight. Switch to decaf or just do your body a favor and stick to […]