How To Ship Your Stuff To School

The time has finally come – your senior year of high school is almost over. You’ve recently been accepted to your college or university of choice. Nicely done!
The summer can’t go by fast enough (how is that even possible?!) as you prepare for this amazing new life chapter. Thoughts of freedom and what your first semester at college will be like occupy most of your waking hours right now.
One thing we can definitely help you figure out is what to do with all your belongings (new and old) and how to ship your luggage and boxes prior to arriving to school this fall. Our tips will make sure you are not left lugging all your items through the airport and paying those hefty airline baggage fees. Keep that additional cash for more important things – like extra Ramen noodles.
Arrive on campus like the “boss” you already are.
Donate What You Don’t Want
Do you really need to pack all your gear? It may be time to give those old T-shirts a new home by donating them to a local Goodwill store or gift them to a younger sibling / relative. Both options will earn you some freshman karma.
Create A Moving Checklist
With so much on your mind it is easy to get overwhelmed. Take a cue from the Marie Kondo method and decide what is absolutely essential as you prepare for your move to college. If you are trying to be minimalist in that small dorm room she’s got some pretty awesome advice – and as a bonus you can watch her show on Netflix for added packing morale and support.
Confirm Your Move In Date
We know this may seem like a no brainer, but most schools have different move in dates for freshman and it’s easy to mix up the actual date in all this pre-college excitement. If you’re living on campus, confirm with your RA (Resident Advisor) or check your Residence Hall website. It’s better to be safe then sorry on your first day.
Ship Your Stuff To School
After you’ve packed, and have everything you think you’ll need for the first semester, it’s finally time to think about your shipping options. LugLess is a low cost luggage shipping service for college students and avid travelers that want to experience a better way to travel and/or move.
The Top 3 Reasons To Use LugLess
If you’re flying to school, bringing a few pieces of luggage will cost you extra money, and sometimes, it can cost an arm and a leg to check your bag with those pesky baggage fees. Here are a few of the major perks you’ll get by using LugLess:
Easy as 1,2,3: It’s so much fun lugging all of your stuff through an airport; said no one ever. When you use LugLess as a luggage shipping (or box) service, you just have to pack up your stuff and let someone else do the heavy lifting. Your luggage will be delivered right to your campus mailroom and you’ll arrive with both hands and arms free.
Low Cost: Our shipping rates start at $15. That’s a cheap shipping alternative to not have to deal with the hassle and stress that comes with lugging your baggage through the airport. Also, it’s almost always less expensive to ship your luggage with LugLess (especially, if you have more than two checked bags).
On Your Time: By sending your stuff ahead of time, you really don’t have to wait until the last minute to pack up. You can ship your belongings to campus a few days to a week before move-in day to the designated campus mailroom. Just double check with the school and follow their guidelines for shipping to campus to ensure everything will be waiting for you when you arrive.
We hope some of these tips are helpful and gets one less anxiety-filled task off your plate as you enjoy your remaining time with high school friends and family.
So relax, LugLess has you and your stuff covered. With all that is happening in your life, don’t worry about your physical baggage, we can take care of that for you. Step foot on campus like you’ve been there before and ship your stuff to school.
Have any college move-in tips? Let’s hear ’em!