Ship gifts and luggage ahead for holiday travel

If you are visiting your family or friends this holiday season LugLess can make your trip a little less stressful. Maybe not the actual family dinner, but we can definitely assist by making this an easier trip to the dinner table.
Got gifts?
LugLess has you covered. You can ship gifted boxes in addition to your luggage or snow gear. To calculate what bag category your boxed gifts will fit into you can utilize our handy, intuitive baggage calculator. You will want to use new, double-walled boxes from either a UPS or FedEx location near your home. Having extra sturdy boxes ensure that the holiday gifts you are shipping will not be damaged during transit.
Got extra baggage?
Yup, we can send luggage as well. Does anyone really enjoy traveling through the airport with multiple bags, snow gear, and gifts? Especially, if you have a family and kids!? Enter LugLess: ship all that baggage ahead of time so you can spend more quality time with your family through the airport on both ends of your trip. Skip crowded check-in lines and avoid the dreaded baggage claim area. By shipping your luggage ahead you can breeze through the airport and keep your sanity in tact as you get ready to fully enjoy your well planned and well needed holiday trip this winter. Check out how the process works here and how LugLess can help create travel bliss this holiday season.
Got skis or snowboard gear?
We can certainly ship skis for you. Many times airlines like to charge a hefty amount for the luxury of bringing your oversized and winter gear like skis or snowboard to the check-in line. In addition to $70 for your first two checked bags, airlines charge anywhere from $75 to $200 for oversized, overweight, and additional 3rd and 4th checked bags. LugLess is a better solution for your winter gear like skis or snowboards and we think you’ll kind of love it, actually.
Got family baggage?
Okay, so maybe we can’t make this holiday trip less awkward for you around the family dinner table but we sure can set you up for a much more relaxed travel experience.
Check out why we exist and how we can make your holiday trip this winter that much more enjoyable …. and take some of that anticipated family baggage off your plate on your next trip this holiday season.
[…] you head to the airport, check out this quick guide to make sure your gifts arrive safely to your destination. Because the last thing you want is TSA flagging that special gift you selected for Nana. […]