Top 5 Travel Movies to Watch Stuck at Home

If you’re itching to travel but can’t go on a vacation, we put together the top 5 travel flicks you can watch from the comfort of your own home that still gives you that sense of adventure and escape you are desperately craving this year.
We’ve broken them down into 5 types of travel films. From solo adventures to time travel – yeah, let’s forget this year even happened. Here’s our top 5 travel movies to watch when stuck at home.
Planes, Trains & Automobiles
Besides this classic comedy having a 91% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, it captures all the hilarity and heartfelt emotion of two random people being forced to travel together to get home. Planes, Trains & Automobiles touches your heart strings while making you chuckle through the ridiculous adventure in a perfect comedy you’d expect from Steve Martin and John Candy. While being made in 1987, it still resonates today with those that travel in the US (less a smartphone). Worth a watch if you’ve never seen it, and if you already love it, a great movie to remember what travel was like before technology and TSA.
Little Miss Sunshine
Now, we could have gone with the obvious all time classic, National Lampoon’s Vacation with Chevy Chase, but that seemed a bit too lazy for us. We picked a modern road trip family movie, Little Miss Sunshine, that is a bit darker but just as hysterical for the times. While it gets a bit intense with Steve Carell’s character, Frank, out the gate, the overall twisted plot and bright yellow WV van captures the same level of absurdity that the Griswald’s embody, fast-forwarded 35 + years later.
Little Miss Sunshine is still very much a story about a crazy family and how they bond through their road trip ordeals, but it packs a more relevant punch for travel we can all relate to now. And it still provides all the chuckles you’d expect from a comedic family vacation movie.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
We went inspirational for our top solo travel film recommendation. While Into the Wild typically rules solo travel movie lists, it seemed a bit too dark for us this year, and we thought The Secret Life of Walter Mitty would relate more with most of us who have mundane day jobs and are seeking a sense of adventure during our 9-5 daily work routine. The concept of Ben Stiller’s character, Walter Mitty, escaping into his own daydreams to avoid the doldrums of his day job, only to be asked by his company, Life magazine, to go on an epic journey to find the perfect photo for the print edition is something we could all relate to and enjoy at home. It’s funny and a bit weird and has some soul to it, making it our top choice for best solo travel film to watch in your sweatpants on the couch.
Selecting the perfect time travel movie to watch at home was not an easy choice. Back to the Future is a favorite for our team. However, we thought we’d go a bit more dark comedy on this one. If we were to poke fun at ourselves and current consumption of products from massive companies like Costco and Starbucks, add a weird military cryogenic freezing program gone awry, and place us hundred of years into the future, and wake up to see what life and society has become, Idiocracy would be 100% the one to watch at home as you Amazon a new pair of slippers for it.
Home Alone
This final travel movie selection seemed to be the most ‘on the nose’ travel movie that describes this year for many. Stuck at home, while everyone you love is far away. Home Alone is obviously a holiday classic, but we are placing it on our top 5 travel movies to watch at home this year. Something tells us many of you have attempted a few things similar to Kevin McCallister at home this year and you are most likely an adult with an actual job. Revisit this classic with fresh eyes and get some inspiration on things you could be doing to pass the time, stuck in your place.
When you are done binging our top 5 travel movie picks, get the suitcase out, go on Google, and start planning your next vacation when the time is right. When you are ready to book that trip, remember you can always ship your luggage ahead of time with LugLess. Our luggage shipping service is one simple way to escape the hassle filled part of traveling with baggage when you fly, drive, or train next.