Your Mileage May Vary: How to Ensure Airlines Won’t Lose or Mishandle Your Bags

Your Mileage May Vary is a blog that focuses on posts about frequent flyer miles, hotel points, airlines, airports, and pretty much anything having to do with plans for travel. They were kind enough to take our recent Air Travel Happiness Report that LugLess created to provide current trends with regards to mishandled baggage, flight delays, passenger complaints, and what to expect this holiday travel season.
So meanwhile, with the holidays coming up, even more people flying, and airlines are having meltdowns due to staffing issues (and “weather”). It seems as if the chances of your bags getting to your destination, and getting there unscathed, are probably not going to be at their highest, y’know?
Check out the full post by Your Mileage May Vary and their take on what to expect this holiday travel season.